Carter Interactions are at the heart of carter-js
What is an interaction?
An interaction is an object returned whenever you send a message to your Carter agent. It contains the data CarterAPI returns as well some some extra spice courtesy of carter-js.
What does it look like?
data: This is the data returned by CarterAPI. To avoid replicating information, you can find an explanation of this data here. In the event of an invalid response from the Carter endpoint, this property will be undefined.
ok: Returns true is the response code is 2xx. More details here.
statusCode: An informational message relating to the status code.
payload: The payload object which was sent to Carter.
triggeredSkills: An array of skills that were triggered by Carter, but who's actions were not executed.
executedSkills: An array of skills that were triggered by Carter and who's actions were automatically executed on detection.
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